Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Problem with the "Liberal" Media

How about their inability to use the words "true" and "false"?

In today's NY Times, in an article about Kerry's relatively heated recent response to criticisms from the administration, the following explanation was offered:

"Part of Mr. Kerry’s outrage may arise from memories of 2004, when a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth raised allegations, never substantiated, that he had exaggerated his wartime exploits."

Why in the world can't the NY Times say that these allegations were false, instead of saying only that they were "never substantiated"?

As long as we find ourselves incapable of sincerely judging things true & false, good & bad, I think we'll always be playing catch-up to the conservatives. I mean, in a separate article, the NY Times itself noted that the allegations were "riddled with inconsistencies". And, hate to have to point out the obvious, something that is inconsistent, something that contradicts itself, is necessarily false.


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