Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Strategy for the Democrats, Fall 2006 Elections

Here's what I think Democrats should be running on:

(1) We'll go after the terrorists behind 9/11. (I think they should be very forceful with regard to this claim. If asked whether they're "strong enough on defense to do this", they should just say that the Republicans have had 5 years to catch Osama and are still empty-handed. And then they should turn the table on the questioner, and simply say "Have they caught Osama or not? It's been 5 years!")

(2) We'll make the world a more, not less, secure place. (Once again, they should keep the ball in their court by insisting that the findings of the NIE report be taken seriously. Their line should be: "The NIE report says that the world is less secure because of the Republicans' handling of the war on terror.")

(3) Republicans = mishandled war in Iraq (with the emphasis on "mishandled", but feel free to substitute "botched").

(But then again, according to a recent Atlantic Monthly article, we're not trying to win these elections anyway, because we're hoping to have two more years of only Republicans to blame for the mess before the 2008 elections.)


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