Friday, July 06, 2007

Bungalow Amenities

There was only one heater in our entire bungalow and we rarely used it. At most, we used it at night in the middle of winter. But our bathroom tended to be a relatively (for L.A.) cold place in the mornings, so I put together the following contraption, using a device I had first discovered at Radio Shack back in high school. It's a switch for turning on and off small appliances remotely. I put the switch on my nightstand and plugged a small space heater into the remote on/off device in the bathroom. This allowed me to warm up the bathroom, making it nice and toasty, all while still in bed.

The only precedents I can think of for such luxury were the remote controlled window shades I had in my hotel room in Tokyo. They were deluxe. You could sleep in total darkness long after sunrise, but then flood the room with light as soon as you woke up.


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