Tuesday, November 07, 2006

North Side Powell's Philosophy Section

This is the philosophy section at the North Side Powell's, on Lincoln Ave. in Chicago. When you combine this section with the section at the Hyde Park Powell's, I think you've got the best used philosophy section in the English-speaking world. I mean, what could possibly compare? Sadly, I'm not going to provide an exhaustive account of the merits of their philosophy sections, nor am I going to compare and contrast them. Suffice to say: they're pretty damn good!

Upper photo: the philosophy section itself
Lower photo: a small selection of some of their philosophy books, including a personal fave


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The top picture is great.

One thing I have ambivalent feelings about with regard to Powell's philosophy section is the noticeable lack of turnover. I mean, there are books both in the Hyde Park branch and on the north side that I feel like I know very well just because I have looked at them probably 50 times over 6 years or so. In contrast, the used section at Blackwells, for example, always has new stuff on the shelves.

I have, however, found probably around 30-40 good philosophy books at Powell's over the years, including my sweet hardcover Kemp Smith 1st Critique.

Just looking at the top shelf of one bookcase, I got the following at Powell's:

-Grice, Studies in the Way of Words
-McGinn, The Subjective View
-Craig, Knowledge and the State of Nature
-McCulloch, The Game of the Name
-McCulloch, The Mind and Its World
-Strawson, Analysis and Metaphysics
-Strawson, The Bounds of Sense
-Evans & McDowell, Truth and Meaning (Hardcover)
-Kripke, Naming and Necessity

Do you think the good stuff gets scooped up right away on the south side by, like, C. Ferro?

11:03 PM  
Blogger Charles P. Everitt said...

The lack of turnover at the North Side Powell's is particularly glaring. If that's the same copy of Hurley that I've put on hold multiple times, it has been there for over five years.

As for the good stuff on the south side, I know for a fact that there are a number of people, like Ferro, who go on an almost daily basis to check out what's just come in. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that a lot of the good stuff doesn't even make it to the shelves. Just look at those enormous stacks of stuff at the front desk that hasn't been priced yet. If book stores are anything like records stores, then a lot of the good stuff gets put on the side for loyal customers.

They should do something about those crappy ass books that have been on the shelves 4-eva at the Hyde Park Powell's, though. I mean, there's a reason those books are just sitting there: either they suck or are overpriced or both. They should have a clearance sale for anything that's been sitting there for over five years. (I'm not saying the same should be done at the North Side Powell's: I want that copy of Hurley to live there 4-eva!)

As for all the great books Ferro's scored over the years, I bet when he leaves town you'll get a chance to grab a bunch of them.

11:17 PM  

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